Would you like to tell your story? Be part of history? Let Carrieann know you would like to do so.
Got New or Used Sneakers your not using? Help the planet & Help us raise some $ - Bring your pre-loved or unused athletic shoes for our sneaker recycling program (children through adult)- Just drop in the box at the Detachment. (no holes or broken shoes pls)
VA Food Drive - Leeds is accepting canned beans & nonperishable food;
drop off @ the Det. or the Food Bank weds 9-3pm @ Leeds
Veteran Garden in Forest Park paid for by Veterans- See Sophie Bartosik for tickets 1 for $10; 3 for $20
ALL MEMBERS: Dues every September - Renewal Dues $35, New Members $40 or Life Member (contact Paymaster for details) checks to: MCL Det. 141, 71 North Elm St., Westfield, MA 01085-1619 c/o Paymaster --Dues Notice:
Saturday SOS Breakfast - Come to breakfast on 4/5; 5/3; 6/7 from 7:30-10:30am $10 donations appreciated.
Det 141 Challenge Coins - $10ea - Get your coins